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Understand Rap by William Buchholz
$10 buy now

The hugely entertaining website that explains rap lyrics, now in paperback.

A major part of the strong allure of rap music can be attributed to its lyrics; a series of rhymes and flows that masterfully plays with words in a poetic and sometimes ingenious way. Although these lyrics will make jaws drop in awe for those in tune with the genre, for those that are less familiar may find the double entendres and carefully crafted lyrics confusing.

Understand Rap is a book by William Buchholz based on the website of the same name. It attempts to explain the confusing terms and lyrics in layman’s terms, often to comedic effect, for those that want to delve deeper into the culture but haven’t found any enlightenment from merely listening to the music. The book should be highly entertaining for those familiar with Hip Hop as well, as the book attempts to take an almost academic approach to dissecting the lyrics, shining a new light onto the genre.