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This Is Ground Mod Laptop 2
$399 buy now

There was nothing glaringly wrong with the original This Is Ground Mod Laptop. The highly customizable and versatile laptop case seemed to have a compartment for pretty much everything you would need for your office, from pens, phones, hard drives, glasses, batteries, cards, etc. However, it looks like This Is Ground has done some careful self reflection to better itself and has returned with the This Is Ground Mod Laptop 2.

The biggest change for the second iteration is that This Is Ground has remedied the lack of storage for larger items, now with a diagonal slot called the ‘pouch’ dedicated for items like a laptop power brick. The implementation is not as streamlined as the rest of the case, as it seems more like an afterthought compared to the sleek design of the case itself. No matter though as the case is still stunning, especially in the limited edition french grey.