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The Great Korean Invasion of Keith Ape by Noisey Raps

Watch this Korean rapper take over the world in Noisy Raps’ latest episode.

With a simple yet catchy beat and a video that is reminiscent of OG Maco, South Korean rapper Keith Ape became an instant hit on YouTube with his international hit It G Ma. His Korean and Japanese infused lyrics and raw style struck a chord with an international audience, quickly making him a star in the Hip-Hop scene.

Noisey Raps follows Keith Ape and his crew on tour in the US, with an up-close and personal look on the rapper’s new found fame, his musical ambitions, and how the world has embraced the 21-year-old Korean.

With K-Pop gaining popularity world wide, Keith Ape is reaching new grounds without adhering to the K-Pop formula. Compared to Psy’s Gangnam Style and its mainstream success thanks to its humor and catchy tune, Kieth Ape may not enjoy the same level of mainstream recognition. However, for Hip-Hop fans, Kieth Ape offers a new look into Korean music, and seems like the audience is genuinely reacting to his sound.