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Ressence Type 3
$37,125 buy now

We seldom see a watch that truly wows us for its innovative design these days. Most follow an established design and new products are variations of that established norm.

Ressence is a Belgian brand that challenges the status quo by redefining the layout of the watch face. The new holistic approach is based on the fact that dials register quicker than digits due to the way that the human brain has developed cognitive patterns.

The Ressence Type 3 is their newest design, featuring a three dimensional dial that is filled with liquid to minimize the distortion created by refraction. The end result is a stunning three dimensional time piece that has a unique form factor, yet comfortably registers in two dimensions when taking a quick glance. Although the way that the hour, minute, and seconds are organized differ from traditional watches, the layout is surprisingly intuitive while still being fresh.

This wonderfully tactile and visual time piece doesn’t come cheap though, at a price of just over $42,000.