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Mifland Rolltop Rucksack
$449 buy now

Sometimes you just need a no-nonesense bag to stuff your gear into and hit the road; no fussy pockets and zippers to fiddle around with, no specially designed pouches or openings for your smart gear — just a bag to keep things simple and straight forward. Some could argue that a plastic bag will do the trick, but we don’t necessarily want to crumple our style either for the sake of minimalism.

The Mifland Rolltop Rucksack is where minimalism, function, and luxury meet for the ultimate bag to simplify your life. There are no extraneous design elements or ornamentation; just a simple bag to hold your weekend packing or hiking essentials. By rolling up the bag you can increase its carrying capacity, or to just carry your daily essentials you can always roll it down for a compact form factor. With a variety of colors, including a rather eye catching version with a black and yellow graphics, it will quickly become your companion to carry your gear.