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LEGO Cereal Machine

Start off your morning with some Cheerios from a custom-built machine with LEGO bricks.

Unless you are a morning person, it can be tough to get motivated to leave the warmth of your bed. Even if you’ve been able to peel yourself out of bed, despite knowing the importance of a good breakfast to start off your day right, it might not be a priority for you when all you want to do is crawl back into bed.

Although we can’t extend your morning hours, this ingenious device made with LEGOs might do the trick to brighten up your morning and your breakfast. The coin operated LEGO cereal dispensing machine, specifically made for Cheerios by Youtube channel AstonishingStudios, can serve up to two bowls of Cheerios with milk. The mechanics are a bit more complex and sophisticated than the light hearted nature of the machine might suggest, with attention to the smallest details including a sensor for the bowl, a removable coin slot, and even compartments to refill your Cheerios and milk.

If you find yourself intrigued, you can also check out the McNugget and M&M dispensing machines as well.