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How To Avenge A Guy In 10 Days

The rom-com that Marvel should have made.

The newly released Captain America: Civil War trailer is full of action and new characters, but one of the highlights seems to be the bromance between Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes. If you’ve followed the previous two installments, you’ll know that the two share a bromance that has spanned decades that culminated in a showdown in Captain America: Winter Soldier.

With the holiday season quickly approaching, it’s primetime for rom-coms, and what better way to celebrate the season than to reimagine your favorite superheroes in a cheesy one-liner filled rom-com. Vulture has put their touch by editing footage from previous Avengers films as well as the new trailer, remixing it into a fictitious romantic comedy aptly titled, How To Avenge A Guy In 10 Days. Even the bromance is highlighted with a very appropriate soundtrack. It’s a rom-com that we would have secretly loved to watch, full of corny one liners and innuendos that are fit for tenth grade prom.

Despite knowing that this isn’t real, now that we’ve seen the trailer, it’s got us hooked. Maybe we’ll ask Father Christmas to make this movie happen.