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하단 공유버튼() 선택 후, '홈 화면에 추가(홈 화면에 추가)'

Fuck The Rain Umbrella
Fuck The Rain Umbrella
$16 buy now

갑작스럽게 내리는 비가 원망스러울 땐 하늘에 강한 메시지를 전달해보도록 하자.

Unless you live in Southern California and are unfamiliar with the droplets of water that occasionally fall from the sky, most of us have experienced the frustration looking out the window in the morning to see the grey and gloomy weather that is accompanied by rain. It’s times like these you want to give a passionate finger to the perspiration that will no doubt make your commute miserable.

It might be futile to vent your frustration on something that we have so little control over, but at least you can convey that no rain is welcome. One way is to give the bird to the pouring skies with the literally named Fuck The Rain Umbrella by Art. Lebedev Studio. It won’t make you feel better, but at least it will keep you dry.