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Food & Beer
$50 preorder

Food & Beer is a book that doesn’t fit neatly into a single category, as it can be seen as part recipe book, part narrative, and part photo essay. Instead of attempting to clumsily define what it is for the sake of categorization, we must appreciate it for what it is; a beautifully written and photographed book that is more of a lovesong to the art and pairing of food and beer.

Written by Daniel Burns and Jeppe Jarnit-Bjergsø of Luksus and Tørst, a bar and restaurant that shares a space in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, the book tells a story of their respective narratives and relationship with food and beer. With a running dialogue of the pair’s vision and philosophy that ties the book together, it offers great insight to those at the forefront of a new gastronomic movement while giving food and beer lovers something to drool over.