Although initially a box office failure, both loved and hated by critics at the time of release, there is no denying that Fight Club has become a cult classic. Originally based on a novel by the same name, it’s ultra realistic violence along with a poignant reflection of society as a system resonated with many male audiences since 1999. The film purposefully left us without resolving what would happen to the characters, which attributed to the surreal appeal of the story. It seems that Chuck Palahniuk, the original writer of the novel, had something more he wanted to convey about the Narrator and Tyler Durden, as a sequel to the original story drops in comic book form today. The story takes places 10 years after Project Mayhem, where the Narrator finds himself back in the mundane life that he fought to escape from in the original novel. The monthly mini-series is set to run for 10 issues, starting today.
Fight Club 2 Returns as Comic Book
