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Cash Scented Soap
$7 buy now

Now you can literally Smell like money.

Measure of success cannot, and should not be how much money you have, but the reality is that many see their own worth in terms of financial net worth. The stench of cash may be reserved only for the very few, but you can now walk around flaunting your made up success literally smelling like money, thanks to the Cash Scented Soap.

Hand crafted in Lincoln, NE, we’re not sure how serious these guys are with their Cash Scented Soap. If you’ve ever smelled cash, you’d know that the bill takes on a certain smell, as it if collects a little bit of everyone’s scent that has handled the bill. Even freshly printed money doesn’t necessarily smell that great, but maybe that’s the point; you’re a man and you should smell like money to make money.

Whether you think of it as a joke or literally want to smell like cash, maybe smelling like a million bucks is the first step to actually making those millions that you’ve always dreamed about having.