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Beer Cap Shadow Box
$70 buy now

Turn your passion for beer into art.

It may be surprising to find out that metal bottle caps are a major issue when it comes to saving the environment. These small caps usually find their way into the trash, ending up as landfill that does not decompose. Even if people are considerate enough to put them in the recycling bin, the tiny caps usually fall through in the bin, ending up as waste. However, it doesn’t seems like us guys will ever give up on drinking our favorite beverage anytime soon, so bottle caps will continue to make their way as landfill. Does this mean that we should stop drinking beer for the sake of the environment?

The Beer Cap Shadow Box is the perfect solution for us to continue to drink beer while still staying environmentally conscious. The simple idea is to create a very personal display that shows off the bottle caps from the beer you’ve consumed. The steady accumulation of bottle caps will be satisfying to watch to the detriment of our liver, but the colorful collection should be enough to add a bit of character to your man-cave’s interior design. Think of it as decoration for your crib, without feeling like you’ve traded in your masculinity.